Ever heard of the saying "opposite attracts"?Ever wondered why?
It is because opposites or different things are new and unique to what we have already seen, and that, my friend, is what excites us!
We invite you all to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the India-Japan relationship by accepting the “differences” between both countries and their cultures.
But you know what, we will always have something similar. Something which fascinates everyone is food. We can find many more similarities once we start exploring.
Let’s try different home-cooked Japanese foods and learn about the exotic ingredients that are responsible for a healthy lifestyle and a longer lifespan. Food is culture and it projects the beauty and lifestyle we have carried with us our whole life.
Let’s exchange the gifts of love and acceptance with each other and treat ourselves with delicious Japanese food.
Hi, I am Naoyuki Yanagihara.
ー Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador
President of Yanagihara Cooking School
Naoyuki Yanagihara was born in Tokyo into a family specializing in the Kinsa-school culinary discipline. He is the next generation of leadership to manage the cooking school.
He was chosen by Japan’s Agency of Cultural Affairs to be a world cultural ambassador of Japanese cuisine. In this role he lectured on Japanese cuisine and culture at different schools throughout the world. During the Expo Milano of 2015, he was one of nine chefs selected to represent Japan. He was appointed to be the “Japanese Cuisine Goodwill Ambassador” by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry, and Fisheries in 2018.

The 70th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Diplomatic Relations between Japan and India ・